Key Takeaways: How a unified care experience improves MSK outcomes

Employer spending on musculoskeletal (MSK) care increases every year—but like in much of healthcare, higher costs haven’t led to better outcomes. Solutions for digital physical therapy and surgical Centers of Excellence (COE) for orthopedic care help reduce costs and improve outcomes. But the proliferation of so-called “point solutions” has led to employee confusion and fatigue […]

Lisa’s SurgeryPlus Story: A Better Surgery Experience at No Cost

Before Lisa’s company offered the SurgeryPlus benefit, she paid $2,000 in out-of-pocket costs for a knee surgery. When she used SurgeryPlus for her second knee replacement, it was a different experience, especially the cost. This time, her surgery was free. But more than the cost savings, Lisa raves about the care she received. “I had […]

3 Approaches to Healthcare Centers of Excellence Employers Should Know

The majority of large U.S. companies have a Center of Excellence in place for at least one condition. Musculoskeletal and cancer COEs are expected to see double-digit growth over the next few years. If you’ve been exploring options for expanding your COE program or starting one for the first time, you may have noticed a […]

3 Employer Healthcare Trends to Build a Game Plan for Now

Breakthrough innovations are driving unprecedented advancements in the healthcare industry, improving patient outcomes and enhancing the ways we prevent, diagnose and treat medical conditions. The challenge is that while self-insured employers want to make sure employees can access the best care possible, “big-ticket items” can easily wipe out entire budgets. To prepare for these changing […]